-Press Help/Tips button to close this menu.
-There is currently an issue where sometimes freeletters are not accurate. the issue is sometimes a letter is selected twice and it has no effect
-The words were generated by AI and are challenging.
-There is moderate keyboard support. Enter = Submit, BackSpace = Undo, All alphabet keys = Letter
-You are not deducted a point for pushing "new word," feel free to to try for a word you can solve
-Pressing "guess word" will enable option to input final word guess early.
-you must input the entire word and submit even if you guess all letters correctly.
-The timer starts when you use your last turn
-You are given 1 less Free letter per word at 3, 7, and 10 points.
-You are given 2 extra Free letters at -3 points.
-The letters are touch screen.
- if your guess attempt is wrong you have to attempt a new word and are deducted a point.
-You are not deducted a point for pushing "new word."
-currently working on difficulty selection and new words!